Growing Weed and Portland Dispensaries

One of the first states in the US to approve the legalization of using, possessing and growing weed in 1998 was Oregon. This is because the doctors have recognized its benefits to people who are suffering from chronic pain. This law was named Oregon Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA). With this law, doctors already have the power to prescribe weed to patients who are suffering from cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and other medical conditions that would cause chronic pain to the patients.

This fairly new law relieved lots of patients across the state of Oregon. They finally had an alternative to Vicodin and Oxycontin, which were highly addictive painkillers from opiates, for the treatment of their chronic pain. However, there was a downside. The law did not state any means so that patients will be able to easily get their weed medicine.

The OMMA allowed patients to hire a caregiver who would be tasked on growing weed for them. However, growing weed is very expensive and time consuming. It would be very difficult to look for a caregiver who will not ask for additional fee for growing weed. As a result, patients become despaired because they still will not be able to get medical weed for their medications.

In growing weed, one has to exert lots of effort to setup and maintain an indoor garden. Ironically, those who are in dire need for such medications have the least possible stamina in growing weed because of their weak physical condition. Hence, the need for weed dispensaries has aroused.

In order to take action with this problem, an organization called "Voter Power" used the ballot system to know of people who is agree to legalize the formation of dispensaries of medical weed. These dispensaries are to be tasked to sell medicinal weed to patients who are registered with the OMMA program so that these will be used for their specific conditions. Many of these dispensaries would be located in Portland, the largest city in the state of Oregon.

These weed dispensaries in Portland would procure weed from weed providers who have license for growing weed in Oregon. In return, these dispensaries would sell the medicinal weed to the patients who are registered with the OMMA program. But before weed is sold to them, they had to show their medical marijuana card. There will be a regulation imposed by the state to the sellers and buyers. All of the transaction is also taxed by the state.

The marijuana dispensaries are great sources of tax revenues for the state of Oregon. These are also beneficial for those who are growing weed. But most importantly, this will be very beneficial to people who are in dire need of such medicinal weed.